misunderstandings and misinterpretations of spirituality | bloggingmaitreyas| maha maitreyanandi

Talks about misunderstandings and misinterpretations of spirituality.
I often hear from people who tell me to bless them with abundance so they can donate some hundred to our Mokshadham.
Or if I help them to receive their debts from others, they will give me a share of thousand rupees for every ten lakhs.
Or the other one says if I help him to see God or experience what I experience, he is ready to donate in lakhs. 
 How funny it is; I have invested the excellent time of 30 years in seeking, knowing, and experiencing him with my constant offerings/sacrifices at every moment of life. I made it clear that whatever is on the other option to choose between God and Another, I always preferred him, not money, job, car, home, jewelry, position, relationship, at last point, life itself. I was and am even ready to leave my life at this moment. I gave what I have had and I’m ready to give what I would have too!!
What are you offering/ sacrificing to seek God within? In other words, to have the grandest experience? Do you even know what you should let go of?
Mysticism cannot be experienced through expectation. It happens naturally when you don’t expect it.
Your expectation disappoints you; it is experienced through surrendering and sadhana. Without them, it won’t happen if you sit and close your eyes for hours it won’t happen. If you expect to see miracles with your physical eyes, it won’t happen that way.
It will help if you let go of your money, fame, name, job, relationships, and anything you hold on to as your identity.
Holding on to something as your identity on the one hand, and on the other hand, wanting to experience it beyond won’t happen.
Even with God, we try to fix a business deal; how foolish we want our share of profit from him as well. You do not even understand what you hold on to, as your pride is the one that stops you from experiencing him. You make plans for another five years to multiply your pride; you want to secure things for yourself and your family first, and then you will choose sadhana. What will happen if you don’t exist after five years? People like me will not go and make a boat or ship first and attend any crash course on how to travel in an ocean and then go for a journey.We( I and Swamy) jump and swim without any dependency.
Unlike us, I feel extreme pity for those poor thoughts and intentions. Do you even remember where you come from? Did you forget your struggle when you were thrown out of your job and left alone with those moments, your depressing thoughts, and your suicidal tendencies struggling to survive? Instead of feeling gratitude, offer your service to the one who has helped you to come out of those bad situations you make business plans with him. It would help if you make an offering not donating. How can you even think of donating to God when he is the giver and taker too!! Offerings are offered, not bestowed.
Kindly understand this way won’t let you move even an inch even if you do sadhana for ages.
-Maha Maitreyanandi
Sri Maitreya Nirvishaya yoga Moksha dhamam
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