
Moving to the unknown

Moving into the unknown is a profound aspect of life’s journey, and approaching it with a spiritual perspective can bring clarity, trust, and peace amidst the uncertainties. Ultimately, by embracing the present moment, trusting in the divine plan, and cultivating our inner wisdom, we can navigate the unknown with grace and peace. Spirituality reminds us […]

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That is why you should become a Maitreya!

Mad Buddha’s (Maitreyas) wisdom. Glad you are here; I thank myself for taking the opportunity to be transparent one more time, taking the guts to talk about my version of experiences. Before I began to, I was told by my many spiritual seekers who came to me to seek the path but ended up giving

That is why you should become a Maitreya! Read More »

Misunderstandings of Meditation!!

Greetings everyone, It is common for people to assume that by practicing meditation, they will become dispassionate and adopt a monastic lifestyle, leaving behind their family, spouse, and children to grow beards and mustaches. However, these are merely misconceptions and falsehoods. It is true that during meditation, one experiences a sense of dispassion (Vairagya), but

Misunderstandings of Meditation!! Read More »

A Scared Conversation to The Sacred Conversation

Scared conversation to the Sacred conversation. Note:Kindly do not read this article, please, As you want everything to be perfect as you imagined, well organized and structured with all the vocabulary promptly. I cannot do that as I tend to forget the new words as my mind becomes empty, and I flow through that space,

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ఒకసారి మహా మైత్రేయానంది గారి హాస్టల్ లో ఏమి జరిగిందో తెలుసా? | bloggingmaitreyas

ఒక్కొక్కరు ఒక్కో రీతి లో ఉంటారు.మమ్మల్నీ అర్థం చేసుకోవడం చాలా కష్టం.మేము చేసే ప్రతి దానికి ఒక లెక్క ఉంది ఆ లెక్క అందరికీ అర్థం కాదు.మేము ఏది ఎందుకు చేస్తున్నామో అర్థం చేసుకోవాలంటే ఒకటి మేమే అయ్యి ఉండాలి.మమ్మల్నీ అర్థం చేసుకోలేక దూరం అయిన వాళ్ళు ,దూరం అయ్యాక అర్థం చేసుకున్న వారు ఎందరో. నేను ఇంటర్ చదువుతున్న సమయంలో నా హాస్టల్ రూం మేట్ ఎందుకో కోపం వచ్చి అందరితో గొడవ పడి రూం

ఒకసారి మహా మైత్రేయానంది గారి హాస్టల్ లో ఏమి జరిగిందో తెలుసా? | bloggingmaitreyas Read More »