Mad Buddha’s (Maitreyas) wisdom.
Glad you are here; I thank myself for taking the opportunity to be transparent one more time, taking the guts to talk about my version of experiences.

Before I began to, I was told by my many spiritual seekers who came to me to seek the path but ended up giving me advice, suggestions of what to speak, how to speak, advice on when to start a session and when not to—all in their control, who tried to turn me into a puppet in their hands.
Before you conclude, listen to me. You are right. I’m a spiritual being and a meditation teacher who has realized, and so with, @maitreyasinternational today.
I took their advice so seriously to cross-check whether it was essential to bother with their ideas and opinions.
What to do! That is a must in spirituality to recheck and re-confirm; otherwise, the chances of falling into the ego that I know everything, I have experienced everything, and I least bother others; I’m superior. Though I’m the founder of Maitreyas, I heard them all and observed their thoughts and opinions for two years and came to this firm conclusion of least bothering them.
That is okay to let go of people who don’t resonate with your vision and mission.
It’s okay to ignore people’s ideas and opinions when shared from a limited perspective.
It’s okay to pause and walk alone than to accompany a crowd simply because you don’t have anyone by your side.
It’s okay to realize the worth of your words; your words are not just the syllabus but the sound of truth. Yes, truth is shared in bold letters.
It’s okay not to feed wisdom to someone who doesn’t have hunger.
It’s okay to be able to download massive data directly from the source and express it transparently like I’m doing now.
It’s okay to charge for the wisdom. After all, knowledge is not free. You have to pay attention.
I decided not to teach anyone who doesn’t want to learn; I chose not to share with anyone who doesn’t want to listen- who does not have that hunger.
And so my silence is expressed in this way, in this genuine way, avoiding and filtering the unnecessary people and their thoughts; every letter you utter is not simply chosen from the alphabet. It is not the noise; the sound, the sound of the truth (bitterly)wisely coming from the deeper layers of the soul(my) roar(experience).
My words are understood by the majority better only after my death, probably. I’m not painful, just truthful. A person is known better after we miss them. When you meet someone rare, you better understand them. When you don’t meet them, you try to understand their intentions.
The very purpose of this write-up is to break the stereotypes of spirituality. We were (are)fixed (fixing) our mindsets on spiritual topics, masters who are living and who had lived to be this way. More than reality, our imaginations play a significant role in causing misunderstandings.
There is nothing wrong with knowing my side; if I sound similar to you, then you have one more person who experiences the same; if I say the opposite, then kindly understand my perspective, my idea, and my experience are different from yours.
Still, this article is the connection that connects us both. We can learn from each other to understand the opposite. That is what is taught in Maitreyas.
Two persons can be friends(Maitreyas)
Irrespective of the opposite natures.
Disagree? !
That is why you should become a Maitreya!
- Maha Maitreyanandi.

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